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Work Opportunity Tax Credit - WOTC

WOTC is a widely utilized federal tax credit program available to employers for hiring individuals from a variety of targeted groups who face significant barriers to employment.



Purpose of WOTC


Encourage employers to hire and train people experiencing difficulties that are linked to unemployment.


Goals of WOTC


Increase workforce participation rates across the state and reduce an individual’s reliance on expensive social support programs.


What Makes WOTC More Effective Than Other Tax Credits?



WOTC is currently a joint federal / state program. This makes the adoption of a state companion bill administratively efficient for both the state and the employers. The framework already exists and does not need to be recreated, unlike most tax credit programs which require starting from scratch.

Broad Eligibility


The credit is not focused on one specific industry, resulting in increased workforce participation across all service levels and employment sectors. 

Cost Effective


Unlike many other tax credit programs, subsidies are only paid when the targeted individuals are actually placed in jobs. This reduces financial overhead and streamlines the evaluation of program effectiveness. 

WOTC Saves More Money for the State Than it Costs

Helping individuals get off safety net programs and into the workforce:


State level companion bills to further support businesses: a state-by-state workforce development initiative.
Communication & Advocacy
View state wide campaigns and policy efforts
Academic Research
Understanding the true economic impact this program has on the workforce
News & Press
Interviews and media coverage related to WOTC
Policies aimed to reach the lowest possible unemployment rate
Changing economic models and their affect on workforce development

program for the
WOTC is a cost savings